So this past weekend my friend Angie came and spent the weekend with me in Saumur. She is also an assistant but in Savenay, which is 20 minutes from Nantes (you can check out her blog
here). We were talking about how things are so different this time in France than when we studied abroad in Dijon. It's almost as if the magic has faded, and now it's just France. So thinking back to the first time I came to France when I was a mere 13 years old, here are some things that are different.
- Everything was GO GO GO
- Hardly understood any French
- Spoke English to French people
- When trying to speak French nobody understood
- Always with people
- Everything was new and exciting
- Everything is wait wait wait... (i.e. opening a bank account, getting a work schedule, etc.)
- Can understand most French
- Speak French to most French people
- When speaking French most people understand
- Living alone
- Everything is normal
However, some things never change...
Yeah... even after 4 years baguettes are as awesome as ever!