Wednesday, August 28, 2013

And the countdown begins!

Less than one month before I leave for France! Three and a half weeks to be exact. I know, it's crazy. Luckily I feel like I'm pretty on top of all my preparations for the year. Besides the whole birth certificate translation, which I happen to still be avoiding, I have almost everything else I am going to need. I got my passport back in just 8 days, with the visa inside (it appears that the passport photo I had given them was to their liking, since that is the photo they used, and I guess they still had my fingerprints from my last visit). Also my visa doesn't expire until the middle of June so I'll be able to travel around and stuff after my contract ends! I also got my apostille (if you're curious as to how to say it, like I was, it's ah-post-eel) on my birth certificate, for $5. I bought a new rain/winter jacket to get me through the wet winter I am expecting, along with some cardigans for extra layering. I wish there was more I could do though, because just waiting around is hard.

This week though, my boyfriend's sister and her friend are visiting DC and staying with me during their stay, so that is cool and I'll get a chance to practice some more French before the big move.

I also joined the gym with my mom for this last month home, so I can get in shape before all the cheese and baguettes.

It's starting to hit me though that soon I am going to be leaving for 8-9 months, and won't see my friends or family until next May or June. So I'm basically trying to spend as much time as I can with my family and my friends.

Time to make the most of these last three and a half weeks!

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